Thursday, July 23, 2009

Training on Mon and Tue, Jul 28

Training will be from 8am to 10pm. on Mon and Tue. Mike will be doing it, as Alex won't be back until late Tue night.

Strikerfest Schedule--Click to enlarge

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Tournaments

Make sure you are getting ready for our tournaments!!

Our first one will begin on Wednesday, July 29, and it is our very own Strikerfest.

Trainings for the week of July 20th

Trainings for this week will be on Tue and Thu from 6 to 8, as usual. Alex is out of town but they will be run by Mike.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Practices on Tuesdays & Thursdays in June

Practices will be held every Tuesday and Thursday for the rest of June. They will be from 6pm to 8pm. Remember to bring lots of water.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Practice June 9th

We have practice tuesday June 9th @6pm. Remember if you don't plan on coming I need to know at least a day in advance. If we start working hard now it will pay off for you when you need it. If you have any questions let me know.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

1st practice / 2nd tryout

Tuesday june 2nd @ 6 pm we will have our first practice of the season, for some it will be a 2nd tryout to make our team. Bring your cleats, shin guards, and water. If you have any questions you can call my cell phone @ 801 358 4551 or email
Remember if you're not going to be their please let me know 24 hours in advance by phone, email or text.